You are invited to join our membership and get involved in our mission.


We want you to know that none, zero, of your money goes to administrative fees. Period. Ever.

Where does your money go?

100% of your donation goes towards preservation, education, and increasing food security for communities.

This includes the care and maintenance of historic and iconic trees, creating educational programs for municipalities focused on the ecosystem services of trees, and partnering with organizations that bring food to disadvantaged areas.

Membership Levels

Membership Benefits include:

- newsletter updates on current events, products and progress

- invitations to participate in our workshops, lectures and retreats

- opportunity to purchase heritage trees at our plant sale

- being an integral part of our community to protect heritage trees



$50 - Basic Level


Apple Seed

$100 - Get tree seeds to plant in your area



$250 - Receive one bareroot tree to plant in your area


Fruit Basket

$500 - Provide fruit to those in need. Supports the care, rehabilitation, and distribution of orchard fruits to communities



$1,000 - Become the financial steward of a real heritage Tree

Mother Tree - Sponsor a mother tree to host grafted heritage fruit

Father Tree - Sponsor propagation of an iconic or heritage tree

Living Tree - Sponsor the gifting of trees to a community


Heritage Forest

$10,000 or more - purchase (or donate) land to preserve heritage trees. May include:

  • Historic orchards

  • Large iconic or historic trees

  • Tree seedling nurseries for preservation of genetic material

  • Preservation of existing forests for public enjoyment and education


Nuts and Bolts

$50,000 or more - capitol investments in tools and machinery that are essential to provide services that protect and preserve trees.

  • Spider lifts to gain access to the canopy with the least amount of impact on the tree

  • Root zone restorative equipment like air spades

  • Injection equipment to administer treatments directly into the tree
