The mission of the Heritage Tree Foundation is to protect urban forests and edible tree-scapes. We offer education, training, restorative, and preservation services, primarily in underserved communities.

Who we are

We are a non-profit foundation with a love for trees serving communities across the United States with a current focus on the south west and the mid west.

Our Founders are all master gardeners with a deep love for trees and plants.

Erlend Greulich is an arborist with a long history of working with nature. He started out as an apprentice to an Academically Trained Forester in Germany. He then studied tree physiology and ecology in undergraduate and graduate school at the University of Colorado Boulder and Washington State University. This unique understanding of trees on scientific and physiological level have inspired us all. One of his central beliefs is that trees play a unique roll in our world as they inhale our breath, incorporate it into their wood, and become a living memory. It is this belief that motivates him to devote his life to the well being of trees.

Chandra holds a certificate in permaculture design and is currently a student at the Oregon State University. She has special interest in propagating historic varieties of trees and is an avid seed saver. She has planted an orchard of fifty apple trees with unique varieties from across the country.

Laurie is a leader in the local food movement and has started two nonprofit food hubs. She is an advocate for creating stronger more resilient food supplies and connecting communities through food and education.

What we do

Our goals are

  1. To preserve and protect tress for the benefits they provide.

  2. To educate communities on the value of their trees.

  3. To connect communities with harvest from edible tree-scapes.

What are the benefits of trees and how do we protect them? Trees have numerous benefits including:

  • Proven physical and psychological health benefits by reducing stress, lowering blood, and improving moods

  • Enhance ecological services by

    • Filtering air

    • Providing shade

    • Shelter from wind

    • Mitigating storm water surges

  • Reduce reliance on carbon intensive cooling or heating services

  • Providing carbon storage

  • Provide food for humans and wildlife

We protect these trees with a variety of techniques including treating existing injuries, fertilization, pest and disease management, root zone mitigation, and pruning to support health, structure, and safety.

We can protect trees by providing education on how to care for trees using proper techniques, as well as understanding the value of trees.

Currently, a large portion of the edible urban landscape is underutilized and often wasted. Our foundation networks with local charitable organizations to connect harvested edibles with people in need.

Our Current Nursery

The current tree nursery is located on Certified Organic Land in Northern Michigan. This property is a historic homestead with an existing heirloom orchard and is home to 56 newly planted seedling apple trees. These seedlings will serve as “mother” trees onto which we will graft other varieties. Our goal is to preserve the genetics of some of the oldest and most fragile heirloom apple trees, and other fruit trees, from across the country.

This nursery also allows us to collect and maintain rare and endangered seeds and genetic materials from trees throughout the American landscape, saving this heritage for generations to come. We plan to expand this living genetic tree library as funds allow us.